This Bourbon was distilled and aged at the Starlight Distillery in Southern Indiana. The Distillery is on Huber’s Farm, owned and operated by the family of farmer-distiller Ted Huber. They make fine whiskeys, wines and brandies. I recently purchased this bottle at the distillery gift shop. It is a 4 year old Bourbon finished in a toasted French oak barrel and aged an additional 4-8 months. Matt and I more recently sat down and tasted this whiskey. Here are our tasting notes.

Starlight Carl T. Huber’s Double Oaked Bourbon Finished in a Second Oak Barrel

Proof: 108.5

Age: 4.5 years old


  • Mike: Caramel, apples, allspice and oak.
  • Matt: Vanilla cream, raspberry, orange citrus.


  • Mike: Caramel, apples, allspice, pepper and oak. Tasting a dried cranberry enhances the apple, brings out more allspice and neutralizes the pepper notes. Tasted with a pecan and the caramel and oak are enhanced with more allspice and cinnamon.
  • Matt: Vanilla, raspberry and orange creamsicle. The dried cranberry emphasized vanilla, raspberry and lemon bar flavors. The pecan brought out notes of caramel, orange and pepper.


  • Mike: Medium long with oak and spice. The dried cranberry enhanced the oak and lingering apple flavors. The pecan brought out oak and spice notes.
  • Matt: Oak, peppermint and orange notes. The dried cranberry brought out lemons, oak and peppermint. The pecan brought out oak, caramel and peppermint in the finish.

I would pair this Bourbon whiskey with a Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Robusto. The bold nuttiness and spice of the smoke would pair well with the caramel and apple flavors in the Bourbon.

Photos Courtesy of Rosemary Miller